At this point I would have to recommend that you make sure to maintain your work-life balance and actually only spend 8 hours a day at work. But since I'm close to reality and not completely unworldly, I know that this is often not possible. I myself worked for years on projects that had deadlines and then 8 hours quickly turned into 10 or 12.
In addition to the volume of work and the time pressure, there may also be the need to adapt to the behavior of colleagues, who of course postpone their vacations or put their private lives on the back burner. Not going along with this distortion of priorities would mean social exclusion (or worse).
Aggravating factors could be that you have financial dependencies and consequently 'can't afford' to lose your job.
Unfortunately, it is the case that with this attitude of awareness you also convey the non-verbal message "I am ready to do anything and to have anything done to me" and that is exactly what will happen. This makes you a very valuable and easy-to-control employee for your employer. That would be nice in principle - for everyone, except for yourself. This dependency, making yourself small and obeying, takes away your self-respect over the years. Your inner strength and your creative potential will be lost and at some point you may just be a shadow of yourself.... or not.
What can you do? One possibility could be to spread the family income over several shoulders or to regularly reorient yourself and test your (professional) market value. This would free you from the mental victimhood and immediately give you more self-confidence (and assertiveness). Alternatively, further training can help you to recognize many more opportunities for your professional career. The more options you have, the stronger your negotiating position. Paths are only open to you from a position of inner strength (= courage, self-confidence).
If you are interested in how you can build up inner strength, trust, tolerance, etc. for personal development, you are welcome to inform yourself free of charge on my homepage or .