Your finances or your household money are a hub where all other areas of your life flow together and in turn affect everything. How well you deal with the budget available to you or how you spend your money is up to you. You can put all the money into a vacation, or you can save up for a home, invest it in stocks, or clothes. It only becomes a problem if your wishes and your income no longer correspond or if your (material) goals in life have changed.
Financial pressure can severely affect your quality of life because it reduces your options for action. Not being able to afford something 'financially' leaves a bad feeling. Not being able to fulfill many wishes permanently will surely frustrate you at some point. So the first step is to eliminate these negative emotions and make you feel like you can change this situation. That alone will help you. It's not hopeless. There is a solution, even if you may not see it right away. As soon as you have recognized this for yourself, you will feel relief and possibly even motivation to tackle the topic.
In the next step you can ask yourself the simple question HOW:
- How can you increase your income or generate additional income?
- How can you reduce your costs?
- How can you achieve a big (financial) goal by taking small steps?
- How important are material values to you or are they important to YOU personally or do you meet the requirements of society/your partner/family/friends?
Use the energy created by the emotional realignment and direct it to problem solving. You will probably come up with a few ideas that you can implement right away(!). For example, you can cancel a club that you no longer attend anyway, or set up a standing order to achieve a savings goal.
The approach is as follows: First, you dissolve the mental barrier ('I'm trapped in this hopeless situation'), this creates an emotional reaction (= relief) and energy is released, which you can immediately redirect to the first steps of action. After you have done this, your way of thinking and acting is already realigned. From then on it is only important to stand still or to go forward and not (since it seems safer) to fall back into the old behavior.
Good luck!